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Tematica: Greener, Closer to citizens, More social

Programme: Interreg Euro-Med

Lifetime: January 2024 – September 2026



The Cool Noons project aims to address the issue of urban tourism in Mediterranean cities, dramatically exposed to the negative effects of climate change and in particular to heat waves.
Five pilot territories will test innovative solutions with the aim to improve the tourist and residents experience in the cities, more and more frequently hit by heatwaves: Budva (Montenegro), Dubrovnik (Croatia), Imola (Italy), Lisbon (Portugal), Marseille (France).


Main actions:
Five pilot Mediterranean cities will test solutions to improve the offer of activities for both tourists and inhabitants during the hottest hours of the day. Some of the solutions to be tested have already demonstrated their effectiveness (in contexts not linked with tourism) such as revegetation, water equipment or light-colored urban surfaces. Other new solutions will emerge from the creativity of the end “users” of the cities, i.e. the residents and tourists. The solutions tested will also be cross evaluated to clarify their potential for replication in the Mediterranean region.

  • Lead partner Avitem (FR)
  • Comune di Budva (Montenegro)
  • Agenzia di sviluppo di Dubrovnik DURA (HU)
  • Città metropolitana di Bologna (IT)
  • Città di Marsiglia (FR)
  • Università di Coimbra (PT)
  • Collegio Americano di Grecia - Centro di Ricerca (GR)
  • IF Imola Faenza Tourism Company (IT)
  • Comune di Lisbona (PT)