AMIGOS - Active Mobility Innovations for Green and safe city sOlutionS


Website: soon online
Social: soon online
Thematic: Greener, More Connected, More social
Programme: Horizon 2020
Lifetime: June 2023 – May 2027



Goal: The AMIGOS goal is to facilitate new energy models for urban mobility by promoting active and zero-emission mobility. In particular, AMIGOS works for cities to adopt sustainable mobility solutions that are inclusive, cost-effective and safe, and respond to user needs. Through co-creation activities and innovative digital tools, the AMIGOS project will identify current and future mobility challenges for 5 cities (living labs) and 10 urban areas (safety improvement areas). The Metropolitan City of Bologna is part of this second group.



Main actions:

The project will develop a set of digital tools for cities, including:

  • A Mobility Observation Box
  • An application for collecting new mobility data
  • A big data platform for their analysis
  • Digital twins to visualise mobility scenarios.


These tools will enable stakeholders (among others, public authorities and vulnerable users) to identify mobility challenges and will serve as a basis for the co-development of solutions for: reducing traffic congestion, increasing public and active mobility modes, improving coexistence between different mobilities for the 5 project cities, and improving safety for the 10 urban areas. The technological solutions and mobility policies will then be evaluated in terms of their environmental, safety, economic and social impact; as well as their medium- and long-term impact and replicability, for implementation in the 5 twin cities.

  • Lead partner - Freie Und Hansestadt Hamburg, Germania
  • Municipality Of Gabrovo, Bulgaria
  • Lappeenrannan Kaupunki, Finlandia
  • Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Turchia
  • Empresa Municipal De La Innovación Y Transporte Urbano, Spagna
  • Reykjavikurborg, Islanda
  • Jurmalas Valstspilsetas Administracija, Lettonia
  • Citta metropolitana di Bologna, Italia
  • Ankara Electricity, Gas And Bus Operations Organization, Turchia
  • Ayalon Highway Company Ltd, Israele
  • Gozo Regional Development Authority, Malta
  • Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, Rathaus, Germania
  • Stadt Frankfurt Am Main Der Magistrat, Germania
  • Laval Agglomeration, Francia
  • Ait Austrian Institute Of Technology Gmbh, Austria
  • Instituto Tecnologico De Aragon, Spagna
  • Tree Technology Sa, Spagna
  • Gallery Ip Telephony Ltd, Israele
  • Epigram As, Norvegia
  • Transportokonomisk Institutt, Norvegia
  • Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut – LUT University, Finlandia
  • Estaca, Francia
  • Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid Swov – Swov, Paesi Bassi
  • Technion - Israel Institute Of Technology, Israele
  • Mozgasserultek Budapesti Egyesulete, Ungheria
  • Cambiamo Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilena, Spagna
  • European Integrated Project, Romania
  • Euroquality Sarl, Francia

Amigos - consortium meeting

On November 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2024


Amigos project Workshop

October 10 and October 24


AMIGOS - a questionnaire to find sustainable and safe solutions in the city

To collect data on the situations of cities regarding sustainability and safety of roads and routes