CLIMAX PO - CLIMate Adaptation for the PO river basin district



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Thematic: Greener EU

Programme: Life

Lifetime: February 2023 – February 2032




The goal of CLIMAX PO is to improve adaptation to climate change through intelligent water resources management at the basin district level, by implementing the measures of the 'National Strategy for Adaptation and Resilience to Environmental Change' (NAS), adapted according to the local characteristics and climatic peculiarities of the district. This will be done by improving district governance in water resources management; ensuring coherent political, financial and technical coordination; sharing climate knowledge production; enhancing skills, awareness and involvement of stakeholders; and improving water security and climate resilience through pilot actions.


Project actions will be developed on several fronts to make water resource management smart.

  • Actions functional to the whole project: a multi-level governance agreement will be launched to promote a coordinated planning approach at national, regional and local level, starting from the current river basin management plan.
    The collection of data and information concerning the district area, the involvement of stakeholders, training activities addressed to operators and technicians and communication and networking activities for the dissemination of results are of fundamental importance, also for the Metropolitan City of Bologna.
  • Technical actions: alongside the definition of the methodological and technical approach, models, tools and studies on water management, on Nature-Based Solutions, on infrastructures and on the management of territorial water resources will be developed.
  • Lead Partner - Po River Basin Authority
  • Interregional Agency for the Po River
  • Emilia-Romagna Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy
  • Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Piedmont
  • Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
  • National Association for Land Reclamation, Irrigation and Land Improvement
  • Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation
  • Metropolitan City of Bologna
  • Regional agency for services to agriculture and forests
  • Legambiente associazione onlus
  • Legambiente Lombardia onlus
  • Legambiente Veneto social promotion association
  • Legambiente Piedmont and Valle D'aosta onlus
  • Legambiente Emilia-Romagna
  • Polytechnic of Turin
  • Turin Metropolitan Water CompanyS.P.A.
  • Emilia-Romagna Region
  • Piedmont Region
  • Lombardy Region
  • Sogesca S.R.L.
  • Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (Arpa) of Lombardy
  • Anbi - Emilia Romagna
  • Regional Union of Lombardy Irrigation Land Reclamation and Improvement
  • Piedmont Regional Union of Irrigation Reclamation
  • Regional association of irrigated land and water management and protection consortia

Climax PO, the first project newsletter has been published

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