Programme: Interreg Europe
Lifetime: 01/08/2019 – 31/01/2023
Key words: startup, start-ups, competitiveness, business creation, entrepreneurship, public services.
Objective: The project endeavours to create the best conditions for growth; it will improve policy making and deliver smart tools that enable a conducive environment for business to start easy and quickly, boosting business startup activity and competitiveness in Europe.
By learning from one another (peer reviews), exchanging and integrating good practices from all over Europe (study visits, research and studies, etc.), and developing joint strategies (workshops and other events), the partnership will overcome common challenges identified such as: the difficult and costly process behind regulations governing business creation which tend to discourage entrepreneurial activity; the limited responsiveness of the public administration to the needs of these new startups, thereby making necessary to catch up in the digitalization of public services, once-only principle (OOP) for business data registration, one-stop shop (OSS) models, etc.
The plans should conduce improvements in the policy instruments selected, delivering new and enhanced public services and tools that facilitate the entry of new businesses into the marketplace (new projects supporting digital services, OOP, OSS, and administrative simplification in general will be supported). They should also conduce to better governance, engaging multiple stakeholders in policy understanding, development and implementation, in particular key decision and policy makers at the different governance levels (including Managing Authorities), agents from the startup ecosystem and business enabling institutions.
Newsletter #1 START-EASY project
Newsletter #2 START-EASY project