JETforCE - Just Energy Transition for Central Europe


Social: soon online
Thematic: Greener, Smarter, More social
Programme: Interreg Central Europe
Lifetime: April 2023 – March 2026



The objective of JETforCE is to use digitisation as a means of co-designing and co-implementing the energy transition in Central Europe, to ensure that it takes place without unduly negative and disproportionate socio-economic impacts on certain areas. The project therefore aims to provide the public authorities and stakeholders involved with the digital skills and solutions needed to develop a "just" energy transition that:

  • actively involves citizens, including the most vulnerable ones, in the decision-making process;
  • uses a socio-economic approach to assess energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, through a "just transition" perspective.

Main actions:

The project includes three main lines of action:

  • Co-design of tools for a just digital transition that digitally involve citizens in the co-creation of policies, including through the creation of "Alliances for Just Ecological Transition", local stakeholder groups that follow the whole project and contribute to networking and exchange of ideas.
  • Development of two pilot actions for the digital involvement of citizens.
  • Adoption of the newly developed solutions and their integration into the partners' political strategies.
  • Lead Partner - BORA 94 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Development Agency Nonprofit LLC, Hungary
  • European Institute for Innovation – Technology, Germany
  • International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges, Austria
  • Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
  • Bautzen Innovation Centre, Germany
  • Local energy agency Spodnje Podravje, Slovenia
  • IRENA – Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd., Croatia
  • Energy Agency Vysočiny, Czechia
  • Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Slovakia
  • Lodzkie Region, Poland
  • Weizer Energy and Innovation Centre, Austria