Innovative logistics services in Budrio

The documents of the seminar held on 26th June 2012 in Budrio

During the meeting held last 26th June at the Budrio Auditorium, a new service was presented to companies interested in improving the logistics and handling of goods. This service will be provided on an experimental basis in the Budrio production area, and it can then progressively be extended to other companies located on the provincial territory.

Thanks to the financing of the Ecomark European project, within the MED European Programme, this service will have no costs for companies.

The Municipality of Budrio, the trade associations, the Institute for Transports and Logistics of the Emilia-Romagna Region collaborate with the Province of Bologna on this innovative initiative. 

It is possible to subscribe to the service by filling out the form below and sending it to:

Edited by: Productive activities and Tourism Service

Data ultimo aggiornamento: 30-07-2018