Energy saving in companies

Risparmio energetico nelle imprese

Two publications collecting indications and ideas to stimulate the diffusion of the rational use of energy in the productive sector


Energy saving in companies

The Province has elaborated (with the support of Ecuba Spa) two documents gathering some indications and ideas to stimulate the diffusion of the rational use of energy in the productive sector, in order to promote a reduction of the impacts on the environment, an improvement of the comfort in the working environments and, above all, a reduction in management costs:

Some advices and a checklist are proposed to identify unhealthy attitudes and behaviors, from the energy point of view, and to understand how to improve the situation. In addition, some opportunities are presented for companies that want to invest in efficiency, savings and renewable sources.

Energy saving in buildings for productive use

The purpose of this study is to provide useful information to guide the design of buildings for productive use in an environmental sustainability and energy saving perspective, also as a function of their energy certification. The study includes a cost-benefit analysis of some possible solutions.